The Grand Canyon has been a center piece for many geologists because of its depth and sequential laden strata. Interestingly, there is a unconformity near the base of the canyon in which there is a supposed great gap in calculated radiometric dating. It appears that there was massive erosion and with a possible time gap that occurred at the top of the Vishnu, a non-stratified crystalline rock group and the next group the stratified Tapeats Sandstone. This can also be considered consistent with large flooding and erosion during the Great Flood, as this great unconformity is found not only in the Grand Canyon but other places in the Southwest and West US. As well, there are many other unconformities among the strata of the earth. It should be noted that the Vishnu granite is dated by the U-Pb method. This as all other radiometric dating methods have inherent problems making most unreliable. C14 within one half-life may be an exception. (See Dr Andrew Snelling regarding U-Pb dating problems in Earth's Catastrophic Past Geology, Creation and the Flood, 2009 Vol. 2 pg. 825-830.) It is considered that water laden strata cover 75% of earth's crustal land mass. ( Thus, a significant unconformity has occurred between the Vishnu granite rock and the Tapeats sandstone and this can be supportive of a worldwide flood such as Noah's Flood.
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