Art Forms Found Worldwide Consistent With A Common Ancestry of Mankind
The Swastika or Swirling Logs Symbol found throughout Cultures and the Times of Mankind (map from online free use)
The swastika or swirling logs (in the US Native American groups) is such a unique symbol that it is very unlikely to have been created,in several different places, by independent invention-especially when it means much the same in widely varied cultures. "The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" (meaning "good" or "auspicious") combined with "asti" (meaning "being")". From Wikipedia 5-26-2014. It should also be noted that the most ancient of the symbols come from the Middle East and become more recent as one moves away to Europe and North America. (The photos of beads from China, coin from Germany, beaded work and blanket from Indian groups in America, and the charm from India are modern-the rest are from antiquity.) This argues FOR mankind coming from one stock (people group) and spreading out from the Middle East as the Bible discusses. See below.
Dragon Images found throughout Continents and Time
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Dragon Images through time and cultures: A) From George Smith's book 1876; B) a Chinese dragon image dated 1244 AD from the Nine Dragon hand-scroll (from Wikipedia with permit), C) St George and the Dragon, 1800's lithograph; D) Stone carving of a dragon from Guatemala in a pre-1920 text; F) copy of an old Chinese coin with a dragon; G) Tyndale bible, 1552, figure from the book of Revelation with an image of the great Dragon.
Some researchers think that the images of dragons reflect that human beings have had exposure to dinosaurs. There are no reasonable living reptiles that fit the characteristics of the dragon.
They are unique animals or living beings, viewed in all cultures as having great, even supernatural powers, are evil, and that man and God(s) must fight against them.
( A somewhat similar distribution has been observed with art relating to "horned serpents".)
This supports the concept of mankind coming from one stock (people group), and this is consistent with the Noah Flood Account.
Some researchers think that the images of dragons reflect that human beings have had exposure to dinosaurs. There are no reasonable living reptiles that fit the characteristics of the dragon.
They are unique animals or living beings, viewed in all cultures as having great, even supernatural powers, are evil, and that man and God(s) must fight against them.
( A somewhat similar distribution has been observed with art relating to "horned serpents".)
This supports the concept of mankind coming from one stock (people group), and this is consistent with the Noah Flood Account.
See my dissertation on the Noah Flood Account on this website, click below, for a more detailed discussion of common anthropological evidences for the commonality of mankind coming from one people group.
Composite of Swirling Logs/Swastika and Horned Serpent found throughout History of Mankind and Throughout the Cultures of the World:Consistent with the Noah Flood Account
The Tree of Life and of The Knowledge of Good and Evil (Found throughout the Ages and on Different Continents)
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or Life
Current anthropologic views commonly place this scene in the "Banquet Scene" category. However, this doesn't diminish it's reading as Adam and God conversing. As well, there is a variance among the other "Banquet Scene" roll-outs. George Smith released the following comments in his book "The Chaldean Account of Genesis" 1876.
"One striking and important specimen of early type in the British Museum collection has two figures siting one on each side of a tree, holding out their hands to the fruit, while at the back of one is stretched a serpent. We know well that in these early sculptures none of the figures were chance devices, but all represent events or supposed events, and figures in their legends; thus it is evident that a form of the story of the Fall, similar to that of Genesis, was known in early times in Babylonia. The dragon which, in the Chaldean account of the Creation leads man to sin, is the creature Tiamat, the living principle of the sea and of chaos, and he is an embodiment of the spirit of chaos or disorder which was opposed to the deities at the creation of the world."
Scroll is dated at 2200 BC.
It should be noted that the Genesis Account probably did not derive from the Mesopotamian. Rather as Dana said in 1890 "...the Babylonian, the Egyptian, and the Mosaic, are like lines converging backward toward a more ancient and original tradition as a common source. And the convergence also toward monotheism affords a strong support of the view that a purely monotheistic system of cosmogony, like that of the Bible, was the original." See James D. Dana The Genesis of the Heavens and the Earth, 1890.
"One striking and important specimen of early type in the British Museum collection has two figures siting one on each side of a tree, holding out their hands to the fruit, while at the back of one is stretched a serpent. We know well that in these early sculptures none of the figures were chance devices, but all represent events or supposed events, and figures in their legends; thus it is evident that a form of the story of the Fall, similar to that of Genesis, was known in early times in Babylonia. The dragon which, in the Chaldean account of the Creation leads man to sin, is the creature Tiamat, the living principle of the sea and of chaos, and he is an embodiment of the spirit of chaos or disorder which was opposed to the deities at the creation of the world."
Scroll is dated at 2200 BC.
It should be noted that the Genesis Account probably did not derive from the Mesopotamian. Rather as Dana said in 1890 "...the Babylonian, the Egyptian, and the Mosaic, are like lines converging backward toward a more ancient and original tradition as a common source. And the convergence also toward monotheism affords a strong support of the view that a purely monotheistic system of cosmogony, like that of the Bible, was the original." See James D. Dana The Genesis of the Heavens and the Earth, 1890.