Fossils Distribution in the Geologic Column
The Fossil Record Becoming More Random All The Time
by John Woodmorappe
The reality of the geologic column is predicated on the belief that fossils have restricted ranges in rock strata. In actuality, as more and more fossils are found, the ranges of fossils keep increasing. I provide a few recent examples of this, and then show that stratigraphic-range extension is not the exception but the rule. The constant extension of ranges simultaneously reduces the credibility of the geologic column and organic evolution, and makes it easier for the Genesis Flood to explain an increasingly-random fossil record." See link Below.
Please note, as the author stated: increasing overlapping of fossil types among different strata argues strongly against a standard geologic column.
by John Woodmorappe
The reality of the geologic column is predicated on the belief that fossils have restricted ranges in rock strata. In actuality, as more and more fossils are found, the ranges of fossils keep increasing. I provide a few recent examples of this, and then show that stratigraphic-range extension is not the exception but the rule. The constant extension of ranges simultaneously reduces the credibility of the geologic column and organic evolution, and makes it easier for the Genesis Flood to explain an increasingly-random fossil record." See link Below.
Please note, as the author stated: increasing overlapping of fossil types among different strata argues strongly against a standard geologic column.
How Well Do paleontologists Know Fossil Distribution?
By Michael Oard
"One such surprise occurred on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, when a sponge of Upper Triassic ‘age’ (the standard geological time scale is used for communication purposes only) was discovered in a carbonate formation. It was named Nucha? vancouverensis sp. nov. Now, the formation where the sponge was found is considered a standard reference for the North American Triassic because of its ammonoid index fossils. Surprisingly, the sponge is nearly identical to one previously found only in the Middle Cambrian of western New South Wales, Australia, named Nucha naucum."
Please note, that the author is referring to a fossil type found on the opposite sides of "Pangea", and in significantly different strata.
Please note, that the author is referring to a fossil type found on the opposite sides of "Pangea", and in significantly different strata.
Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 1
"Despite claims of contemporary Christian scholars, logic demonstrates that an old earth is inextricably intertwined with the Enlightenment worldview of naturalism. Since Christianity and naturalism are fundamentally at odds, the contrary is also true; belief in an old earth is inconsistent with Christianity—a point reinforced by its own logic. Any proposed rationale for integrating the old-earth paradigm with Christianity must overcome this relationship between the old-earth paradigm and the two worldviews." John K Reed
Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 2
"Despite claims of contemporary Christian scholars, history demonstrates that an old earth has been detrimental to the church over the past few centuries. Until the 18th century, the church was practically unanimous in accepting young-earth history. The concept of prehistory grounded in geology originated among Enlightenment deists and atheists and not from within the church. The church’s capitulation to deep time has led to theological novelty, often to the point of affecting essential Christian doctrine. As such, the old-earth paradigm has weakened both the church and the culture in the West. Galileo and geocentrism are falsely presented as arguments for a superior authority for science, and by extension an old earth, but geocentrism and deep time are vastly different issues. The conflict between the old-earth paradigm and Christianity is inevitable because the old-earth paradigm is intrinsically rooted in naturalism." John K Reed
Massive Coal Formation in the Late Flood
The Fossils Still Say No: The Surly Cenozoic Flood Finale
“…Another powerful piece of evidence for the final receding phase of the global Flood involves the presence of huge Cenozoic coal beds formed from mostly angiosperm (flowering) plants. This is directly related to Darwin’s ‘abominable mystery.’ Coal beds are formed by enormous amounts of plant material being ripped up, transported en masse, and then buried rapidly before the material has a chance to decay—exactly the type of catastrophic processes that occurred in the global Flood. Compared to the Carboniferous coal beds formed earlier in the Flood that contained tropical coastal vegetation, the larger Cenozoic coal layers were formed from plants and trees growing at higher elevations in the pre-Flood world…” See link below for complete article from ICR.
“…Another powerful piece of evidence for the final receding phase of the global Flood involves the presence of huge Cenozoic coal beds formed from mostly angiosperm (flowering) plants. This is directly related to Darwin’s ‘abominable mystery.’ Coal beds are formed by enormous amounts of plant material being ripped up, transported en masse, and then buried rapidly before the material has a chance to decay—exactly the type of catastrophic processes that occurred in the global Flood. Compared to the Carboniferous coal beds formed earlier in the Flood that contained tropical coastal vegetation, the larger Cenozoic coal layers were formed from plants and trees growing at higher elevations in the pre-Flood world…” See link below for complete article from ICR.