Radiometric Dating
This section is devoted to evidence that the earth and universe can be considered "young" in terms of thousands of years old (with reference to the Bible) and not millions to billions of years old (as determined by secular assumptions). It is to be understood that the actual ages of the earth and universe are outside of observed time and therefore can not be known with certainty. Assumptions must be made that can not be experimentally verified.
Radiometric Dating:Basics
Radiometric Dating
Dr Andrew Snelling
"Radiometric dating measures the decay of radioactive atoms to determine the age of a rock sample. It is founded on unprovable assumptions such as 1) there has been no contamination and 2) the decay rate has remained constant. By dating rocks of known ages which give highly inflated ages, geologists have shown this method can’t give reliable absolute ages." See link below.
Dr Andrew Snelling
"Radiometric dating measures the decay of radioactive atoms to determine the age of a rock sample. It is founded on unprovable assumptions such as 1) there has been no contamination and 2) the decay rate has remained constant. By dating rocks of known ages which give highly inflated ages, geologists have shown this method can’t give reliable absolute ages." See link below.
Key Flaw Found in Radioisotope Isochron Dating
Key Flaw Found in Radioisotope Isochron Dating
by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling on March 27, 2017
"This discovery and recent presentation of differential isotope diffusion as a key flaw in radioisotope isochron dating is but one more “nail in the coffin” of these radioisotope dating methods. If differential diffusion of isotopes occurs in the rocks and minerals they contain so that plotting of their analysed isotopic ratios produces straight lines indistinguishable from isochrons, then we can never be sure that true isochrons have been obtained and thus correct isochron ages." See link below.
by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling on March 27, 2017
"This discovery and recent presentation of differential isotope diffusion as a key flaw in radioisotope isochron dating is but one more “nail in the coffin” of these radioisotope dating methods. If differential diffusion of isotopes occurs in the rocks and minerals they contain so that plotting of their analysed isotopic ratios produces straight lines indistinguishable from isochrons, then we can never be sure that true isochrons have been obtained and thus correct isochron ages." See link below.
Radiometric Dating: Unreliable (discordant)
Nuclear Fission Dating Methods Are Unreliable
"...Mostly they say the dating methods are inconsistent with each other. The U-Th-Pb and fission track data show a wide range of ages for Middle Cambrian rock strata and are thus highly discordant. ...This discordance means that the U-Th-Pb and fission track dating methods give wildly different dates for the zircon samples measured, most of which strongly diverge from the secular age expected for the Middle Cambrian rock. Similarly, the fission track dating for the Late Jurassic samples gives results that diverge from the expected geologic age. ..results seem to suggest an ebb and flow of volcanic activity from the Middle Cambrian through the Late Jurassic systems that carried zircon crystals experiencing varied amounts of accelerated nuclear decay to crustal rock during the early and mid-stages of the Flood. A model based on the Genesis Flood better explains these volcanic units if they occurred rapidly one after another during a short time frame while experiencing varying accelerated decay rates and significant mixing of the rock crystals contained therein." From ICR April 2020
"...Mostly they say the dating methods are inconsistent with each other. The U-Th-Pb and fission track data show a wide range of ages for Middle Cambrian rock strata and are thus highly discordant. ...This discordance means that the U-Th-Pb and fission track dating methods give wildly different dates for the zircon samples measured, most of which strongly diverge from the secular age expected for the Middle Cambrian rock. Similarly, the fission track dating for the Late Jurassic samples gives results that diverge from the expected geologic age. ..results seem to suggest an ebb and flow of volcanic activity from the Middle Cambrian through the Late Jurassic systems that carried zircon crystals experiencing varied amounts of accelerated nuclear decay to crustal rock during the early and mid-stages of the Flood. A model based on the Genesis Flood better explains these volcanic units if they occurred rapidly one after another during a short time frame while experiencing varying accelerated decay rates and significant mixing of the rock crystals contained therein." From ICR April 2020
Tree Ring Dating-Not Reliable Prior to Historical Periods
Tree ring dating (dendrochronology)3 February 2006
"Tree ring dating (dendrochronology) has been used in an attempt to extend the calibration of carbon-14 dating earlier than historical records allow…Recent research on seasonal effects on tree rings in other trees in the same genus, the plantation pine Pinus radiata, has revealed that up to five rings per year can be produced and extra rings are often indistinguishable, even under the microscope, from annual rings. As a tree physiologist I would say that evidence of false rings in any woody tree species would cast doubt on claims that any particular species has never in the past produced false rings…Extended tree ring chronology is not an independent confirmation/calibration of carbon dating earlier than historically validated dates, as has been claimed."
"Tree ring dating (dendrochronology) has been used in an attempt to extend the calibration of carbon-14 dating earlier than historical records allow…Recent research on seasonal effects on tree rings in other trees in the same genus, the plantation pine Pinus radiata, has revealed that up to five rings per year can be produced and extra rings are often indistinguishable, even under the microscope, from annual rings. As a tree physiologist I would say that evidence of false rings in any woody tree species would cast doubt on claims that any particular species has never in the past produced false rings…Extended tree ring chronology is not an independent confirmation/calibration of carbon dating earlier than historically validated dates, as has been claimed."
C14 in Fossils (A more Extensive Study) 2011
The Scientific Case for Creation
In this classic little book by Dr Henry Morris (hydrologist) written in 1977 he discussed some of the factors involved in affecting the age of the earth. He commented on pg. 46: "In the simple system sketched in figure 9, only two components are present, with reactions taking place such that component A is changing into component B, at a certain rate r and a certain time t. Although the system is confined within boundaries, no boundaries are impenetrable, so that it is possible that increments are being added to either component from outside the system. Similarly, increments from either component may somehow escape the system. This process has been going on for some unknown time and it is assumed that when it initially started it had initial magnitudes of Ao and Bo." He goes on to state that there are three measure factors At, Bt and Rt at a specific time but there are also other unmeasured factors .when determining the age of the earth: 1) uniformitarian (highly unlikely); 2) isolated system (non-existent); 3) known initial conditions (indeterminable) and 4) conservation of mass (valid).
JGL note: the assumptions make the actual ages of the earth (and universe) unknown. But, God who is outside of the universe and time does know how old the earth and universe are and has given that age in the Bible. See link below for some Bible scholars estimate of the Age of the Earth.
JGL note: the assumptions make the actual ages of the earth (and universe) unknown. But, God who is outside of the universe and time does know how old the earth and universe are and has given that age in the Bible. See link below for some Bible scholars estimate of the Age of the Earth.