DNA by Design
Pervasive Genome Function Debunks Junk DNA by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.
Scientists are finding that there is no "junk DNA". Man is continuing to find out just how complex DNA structure and function are. And mutations continue to tear down DNA (See page on Mutations).
"The genome, the complete set of chromosomes in a cell, is like a computer hard drive that encodes the information stored in its DNA. Protein-coding genes are segments of DNA carrying instructions for making proteins. These segments are copied (transcribed) into RNA in a temporary fashion, just like copies of software programs are put into temporary memory on a computer. These temporary RNA instructions are then used as templates to make proteins.
As genomics technology advanced and studies became more comprehensive, scientists realized that protein-coding genes are only a portion of the genes transcribed into RNA. In fact, researchers have discovered that nearly the entire genome is transcribed...Because evolutionists didn’t understand lncRNA gene function, they originally labeled much of the RNA produced from these genes as nothing but transcriptional noise and prematurely assigned their sequences the now-defunct label “junk DNA.” A variety of these genes have since been investigated and found to have important functions," See entire article below.
As genomics technology advanced and studies became more comprehensive, scientists realized that protein-coding genes are only a portion of the genes transcribed into RNA. In fact, researchers have discovered that nearly the entire genome is transcribed...Because evolutionists didn’t understand lncRNA gene function, they originally labeled much of the RNA produced from these genes as nothing but transcriptional noise and prematurely assigned their sequences the now-defunct label “junk DNA.” A variety of these genes have since been investigated and found to have important functions," See entire article below.
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Evolutionists Strike Out with Imaginary Junk DNA, Part 2 by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.
"...Evolutionists have touted pseudogenes—supposedly non-functional vestiges of currently functional genes—as junk. Tomkins wrote:Pseudogenes were once thought to be genomic fossils—the broken remnants of genes that mutated long ago. However, research is progressively showing that many pseudogenes are highly functional and critical to life. Now, a newly characterized pseudogene has been shown to produce a functional protein, but only in cells where it is required—leading researchers to coin a new term pseudo-pseudogene...Tomkins described how the concept of pseudogenes “was based on an over-simplistic view and a lack of advanced information about the complexity of protein production” and “how looking at the genome as a product of evolution hinders scientific discovery.”
One massive research project, dubbed ENCODE, examined non-coding DNA for function. Discoveries published in 2012 identified biochemical functions for about 80% of the genome. Tomkins summed up:
Results from 30 simultaneously published high-profile research papers [proclaim] that the human genome is irreducibly complex and intelligently designed. From an evolutionary perspective, this is yet another massive blow to the myth of “Junk DNA.” This evolutionary idea was exposed as a fraud from a scientific perspective in Jonathan Well’s recent book The Myth of Junk DNA.
Further, Tomkins noted, “And what about the remaining 20 percent of the genome—is it functional too?” It’s probably not worthless either. Tomkins added that the lead analysis coordinator commented, “It’s likely that 80 percent will go to 100 percent….We don’t really have any large chunks of redundant DNA. This metaphor of junk isn’t that useful.'" See article below for more information.
One massive research project, dubbed ENCODE, examined non-coding DNA for function. Discoveries published in 2012 identified biochemical functions for about 80% of the genome. Tomkins summed up:
Results from 30 simultaneously published high-profile research papers [proclaim] that the human genome is irreducibly complex and intelligently designed. From an evolutionary perspective, this is yet another massive blow to the myth of “Junk DNA.” This evolutionary idea was exposed as a fraud from a scientific perspective in Jonathan Well’s recent book The Myth of Junk DNA.
Further, Tomkins noted, “And what about the remaining 20 percent of the genome—is it functional too?” It’s probably not worthless either. Tomkins added that the lead analysis coordinator commented, “It’s likely that 80 percent will go to 100 percent….We don’t really have any large chunks of redundant DNA. This metaphor of junk isn’t that useful.'" See article below for more information.
The DNA Goldmine Appears Infinite Evidence for Creation
by Frank Sherwin, M.A., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.
"...Think of the complexity of the DNA molecule as an onion. Peeling away one layer of startling function and ingenuity only reveals another, and another, and so on....The multilevel and combinatorial information regulating the splicing of gene products is called the splicing code. It has been designated as yet another code in the genome and reveals how cells use a limited number of protein-coding genes to produce an almost endless array of final products that perform everything from bodily physiology to making extremely complex organs such as the brain..." See article below for more information.
"Junk" DNA: Evolutionary Discards or God's Tools?
by Linda K Walkup
"'Junk’ DNA is thought by evolutionists to be useless DNA leftover from past evolutionary permutations…"
"A new creationist theory may explain how this rapid diversification came about by the changes caused by repetitive and mobile DNA sequences. The so-called ‘junk’ DNAs that have perplexed creationists and evolutionary scientists alike may be the very elements that can explain the mechanisms by which God is at work in His creation now and in the past..."
Selective Use of DNA Data by Evolutionists!
"Another example of selective interpretation of DNA sequence comparison data using introns is the study of an intron in an important sperm maturation gene on the Y chromosome of humans.25,26 It was hoped that the ancestry of modern humans could be traced by sequencing this 729-bp intron from 38 different men from different ethnic groups. Surprisingly, all 38 men had exactly the same sequence, which was then interpreted as a ‘recent’ common ancestor (27,000–270,000 years ago) for the whole human race, or possibly that the intron had functional constraints on its mutability. This latter premise was rejected by the authors because the sequence of the same intron in chimp, gorilla and orangutan was progressively more different. These data would strongly support the biblical creationist view that there was a severe bottleneck in the human population when the Flood reduced the varieties of Y chromosomes to the one shared by Noah and his sons. Apes would not be expected to have exactly the same sequence as humans, as they are from separate created kind(s). The fact that they do have a similar intron argues for a function for this sequence, and the intron may have been originally created slightly different for proper function in an ape versus a human..."
See full article below.
The Genetic Effects of the Population Bottleneck Associated with the Genesis Flood
by Robert Carter and Matthew Powell
"...After comparing to real-world allele frequency data, we conclude that the effective population size of humanity was at one point very small and that models with small antediluvian population sizes are more likely to reflect human history. The small early population size produced a significant amount of genetic drift in the original alleles and possibly led to a significant loss of created diversity. Thus, skeptical claims that biblical models are excluded by population genetics are unwarranted."