Evidence for a Short Catastrophic Formation of the Earth's Worldwide Strata!
(JGL note: the article below argues for the data being consistent with a worldwide flood and a recent, e.g. thousands of years-and not millions of years, formation of the strata of the earth! It is one in a series of responses against the the wrong concepts promoted by evolutionary philosophy. A link to the list of all 12 articles is below. Image of strata at top of page done by JGL.)
“Sedimentary Layers Show Millions of Years of Geological Activity.” Argument 9
July 19, 2018 by Andrew Snelling
July 19, 2018 by Andrew Snelling
From article:
"Before we get overly worked up about the age of the earth, let’s take a moment to number our own days (Psalm 90:12). We only live about 70–80 years. What percentage of your life has likely passed? Our lifespans are a breath, our knowledge is finite, and our claims are fallible. The Creator asked one who questioned him, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding” (Job 38:4).
We should begin our search for the age of the earth with humble recognition of our limits paired with confident faith in the Creator and his Word (Hebrews 11:3, 6). Starting with the creation account and genealogies given in the Bible, we can use fairly straightforward addition to figure that the earth is about 6,000 years old. That’s merely a few billion years difference with mainstream science, which dates the earth’s age at 4.5 billion years. Rocks don’t come with ready-made age tags, of course. Interpretation of time periods in the geologic column depends on one’s worldview." See the rest of this excellent summary of strata formation at the following link.
"Before we get overly worked up about the age of the earth, let’s take a moment to number our own days (Psalm 90:12). We only live about 70–80 years. What percentage of your life has likely passed? Our lifespans are a breath, our knowledge is finite, and our claims are fallible. The Creator asked one who questioned him, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding” (Job 38:4).
We should begin our search for the age of the earth with humble recognition of our limits paired with confident faith in the Creator and his Word (Hebrews 11:3, 6). Starting with the creation account and genealogies given in the Bible, we can use fairly straightforward addition to figure that the earth is about 6,000 years old. That’s merely a few billion years difference with mainstream science, which dates the earth’s age at 4.5 billion years. Rocks don’t come with ready-made age tags, of course. Interpretation of time periods in the geologic column depends on one’s worldview." See the rest of this excellent summary of strata formation at the following link.
Mica in Strata of the Coconino Sandstone May Support Water-born Deposition
An important paper was just released this year at the 8th International Meeting on Creationism, 2018. It was titled THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MICAS IN ANCIENT CROSS-BEDDED SANDSTONES by K Borsch et. al. Data was presented that supported the water-born deposition of mica in the sandstone of the Coconino SS. This sandstone has been argued to have been laid down over long periods of time in the past by wind born deposition. The current data are supportive of possible rapid Flood deposition. See link below.
Deposition of Strata on the Earth Based on Global Sea Levels
Dr Timoth Cleary also released a paper at the same meeting: 8th International Meeting on Creationism 2018. The title of his paper was USE OF SEDIMENTARY MEGASEQUENCES TO RE-CREATE PRE-FLOOD GEOGRAPHY. In this paper he commented," …Today, much of the Phanerozoic rock record has been divided into sequences of deposition. Sequences are defined as discrete packages of sedimentary rock bounded top and bottom by erosional surfaces, commonly with coarse sandstone layers at the base (Sloss 1963)…" He goes on to comment that many creation geologist view most of the Sloss mega-sequences as being deposited during the year of the Noah Flood. He also feels that the fossil record reflected the ecological/zonal habitat of life forms and that they were buried sequentially the flood waters expanded. Then there was a period of post flood erosion. He commented that the peak of the Flood: "The stratigraphic data seem to indicate this coincided with the end of the Zuni mega-sequence. The Zuni has the most volume of rock deposited globally and has arguably the maximum areal coverage of any mega-sequence. The Tejas mega-sequence would have been part hf the period of receding deposition and erosion.. See link below.
As well, he has a paper in 2/2019 Acts/Facts where he looks at the probable relative sea level rise and fall from sedimentary data and gets a more clear measure of the ebb and flow of the Flood. It is not online yet.
As well, he has a paper in 2/2019 Acts/Facts where he looks at the probable relative sea level rise and fall from sedimentary data and gets a more clear measure of the ebb and flow of the Flood. It is not online yet.
Impact of Meteors on Flood Initiation and Deposition

(Image above from USGS public domain)
Did Meteors Trigger Noah’s Flood
Dr Andrew Snelling-AIG
"…But what catastrophe might God have used to cause the earth’s crust—many miles thick—to crack? Some have suggested a meteorite or asteroid impact of unprecedented size and scope. Do we find any evidence? Geologists have discovered some gargantuous remnant craters and piles of debris left over from massive impacts that easily fit the bill…An asteroid impact—or several simultaneous impacts—that triggered the Flood may also have been part of an ongoing, solar-system-wide catastrophe that lasted for months or years… We cannot be certain whether God used an asteroid or swarms of asteroids to begin the Flood event and the resulting breakup of the earth’s crust into plates. However, we do find evidence that asteroids were striking the earth at catastrophic rates during the Flood and that these asteroids were spread over the earth’s surface." See link below for more information.
Dr Andrew Snelling-AIG
"…But what catastrophe might God have used to cause the earth’s crust—many miles thick—to crack? Some have suggested a meteorite or asteroid impact of unprecedented size and scope. Do we find any evidence? Geologists have discovered some gargantuous remnant craters and piles of debris left over from massive impacts that easily fit the bill…An asteroid impact—or several simultaneous impacts—that triggered the Flood may also have been part of an ongoing, solar-system-wide catastrophe that lasted for months or years… We cannot be certain whether God used an asteroid or swarms of asteroids to begin the Flood event and the resulting breakup of the earth’s crust into plates. However, we do find evidence that asteroids were striking the earth at catastrophic rates during the Flood and that these asteroids were spread over the earth’s surface." See link below for more information.