ICR nicely summarizes several good arguments in favor of a short age of the earth (C14/C12), worldwide flood (dinosaur tracks,ice ages), intelligent design (Echo-location by bats and porpoises, the function of hands), and direct evidence against spontaneous generation and naturalistic explanations to the origin of life(Louis Pasteur). Take a look!
The Pulley: It is one of the basic tools in physics. Man thought he invented the pulley, but the pulley has been inherent in nature long before man utilized it. See figure below. Several muscle positioned on the posterior side of the leg connect to tendons which curve around the Malleolus (a bony protrusion with a groove for the tendons to slide in) and inter-digitate on the plantar (bottom) region of the foot/toes. Flexion occurs with contraction of the muscles which then pulls on the tendons, which do not stretch (they are like a cord of rope). As the tendons are pulled back and upward the foot and toes bend downward. The foot and toes can bend because of the joints, which are composed of a firm yet flexible material called cartilage, which allows then to deform without breaking the bony non-flexible areas. In like fashion the airplane has a servo that acts much like a muscle which pulls on a non-stretching cable that loops around a post and bends the aileron up or down. It is the contention of this author that God allows man to search out and discover such principles of nature and then to utilize them-which we call technology. Bu man did not create these principles-only God did it.
Seen in this photo taken at the Petrified National Forest Park are evidences for catastrophic deposition and not just a post forested area with meandering streams as presented in the museum. The lava flow (black layer on top) of the colored layers is calculated to be 4-8 myo while the colored layers just below are considered to be 180 myo.(Please note there are many problems with dating strata.) But
why is there such an "unconformity" or gap in-between the calculated ages of the strata? These layers of the painted desert cover 4 states and similar layers are found on other continents. As noted in the name of the park there are tumbled logs: striped of bark, branches, and roots but often aligned in what may have been the flow of current. The colored strata are clayey ashen layers with frequent gypsum deposits that are consistent with massive volcanic ash and mud flows. As well there are mixtures of life forms with up to 100 different species of flora, and at least 8 different large tree forms (mega-fossils). There are various fish, dinosaur, and reptile forms found buried in it as well. But often found only in fragmented condition.Contrary to the Park presentation these observations could be put within a catastrophic regional or even worldwide event-such as the Noah Flood Account. See section in Creation/Evolution tab and then the sub-tab Geological Evidences on this website.The problems with radiometric dating of earth materials is discussed. As well, Dr A. Snelling's two volume text Earth's Catastrophic Past has much more similar information. Photo by JGL. Dr John L., United States, 10 January 2015 (Posted in Australia now)
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