"‘Instant petrified wood’—so ran the heading to the announcement in Popular Science, October 1992.1 It’s also the reality of research conducted at the Advanced Ceramic Labs at the University of Washington in Seattle (USA). Researchers have also made wood-ceramic composites that are 20–120% harder than regular wood, but still look like wood. Surprisingly simple, the process involves soaking wood in a solution containing silicon and aluminium compounds. The solution fills the pores in the wood, which is then oven-cured at 44°C (112°F). According to the lab’s research director, Daniel Dobbs, such experiments have impregnated the wood to depths of about 5 millimetres (0.2 inches). Furthermore, deeper penetration under pressure and curing at higher temperature have yielded a rock-hard wood-ceramic composite that has approached petrified wood." See link below. "In 2004, five Japanese scientists published examples of rapid petrification in Sedimentary Geology. Ironically, their report in the secular geology journal cited an article by creation geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling in Creation magazine...They discovered that the naturally fallen wood in the overflow had been petrified with silica. What surprised the scientists was the fact that the wood was less than 36 years old. As a result, the scientists conducted an experiment in which they fastened pieces of fresh wood in the lake with wire. Surprisingly, after only 7 years the wood had turned into stone, petrified with silica..." See link below. The significance of these kinds of findings are that it may not have taken thousands to millions of years to petrify trees and other plants-but days to months. As well, in many of the articles comments are made regarding polystrate tree fossils- upright tree trunks that transect more that one layer of strata. As upright trees were found to be deposited at Mt Saint Helens this too argued for rapid catastrophic deposition of the trees found in the fossil record such as those at Yellowstone Park. These findings can be consistent with the Noah Flood Account where rapid, massive deposition of animal, plant, and various non-organic earthy matter occurred over days, weeks, to a few months.
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