"In 2012, Ray Stanford, an amateur dinosaur track enthusiast, noticed a small outcrop of sandstone on a hill next to the parking lot of the NASA Goddard Space…They dug out the outcrop, which turned out to be part of a 2 m2 slab with the highest concentration of tracks anywhere in the world…The formation is ‘dated’ 100 million years old…With the help of famous track expert Martin Lockley, they discovered that the small slab had 70 non-overlapping tracks from eight species. It not only contained dinosaur tracks, but also mammal tracks and pterosaur traces..." See CMI article below. Comment JGL: While no body parts were found with the tracks the observation of tracks from two seperate catagories of life forms, e.g. reptiles and mammals, is very problematic for evolution. These tracks if understood correctly do not represent any sort of transition form.And while the comment is made that the mammal tracks are in a sitting format, the overall impression is one of life forms going in various directions on a mudflat-and possibly flood conditions. Tracks must usually be buried rapidly without errosion and over-drying to be preserved. Thus, the present slab of mudstone (sandstone) is probably the result of floody catastrophic preservation.
Man is made in the image of God. As Kepler, the Astronomer said "He was thinking God's thought after Him." Man too, can "create" or "design" using physical matter of which God has already put the principles of "nature" into it. Man can not create "de Novo" or Out of Nothing like God did in Genesis 1:1-31. Man remains a creation of God. not a haphazard conglomeration of molecules.
The history of the Jewish Peoples is probably the most precise and detailed history of any people group throughout history. The Old Testament reveals God's covenant with Abraham and that through that covenant He God, would bless the Jewish peoples and all from other races, Gentiles, whom came to Him through accepting Jesus Christ's death on a cross for the foregiveness of their sins. The scriptures talk about the Gentiles,"Whosoever", being grafted into the Jews. The Biblical Scriptures also say Jesus Christ is coming again to Rule and Reign in Righteousness/Holiness/Truth. This could not have happened till the Jewish People were again in the Land of Israel.But, they are in the Land. Let us pray "Return Lord Jesus."
Revelation 19 15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. The Historical Times of Jesus Christ: Secular Leaders in the Bible Identified by Coins of the Times.2/20/2018 Red Circle under image identifies a leader mentioned in the Bible. The Bible is an Accurate Historical Text.
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