- it is important to differentiate data collected by the scientific method from an interpretation of these data
- it is important to understand the assumptions that are used in the interpretation of data
- it is important to understand the presuppositions that underlie assumptions and interpretation
- applying a uniformitarian assumption can easily result in a wrong answer
- the presupposition of naturalism/materialism is restrictive and can easily preclude getting the correct answer"...
Evolution requires long ages in that it can not be observed to be happening today; e.g. macro (large) changes from one animal form resulting into another. Extrapolations are made from observed micro changes which are simply variation in kind, and do not directly support the supposed macro changes. Thus, the extrapolations are not necessarily valid. So,the assumptions made in calculating long ages for the earth are not really needed.
As well, in Noah's Worldwide Flood multi-layering of strata rapidly and sequentially would be expected; but as evolution requires long ages those supporting this philosophy would support slow long intermittent deposition of strata on the earth rather than rapid deposition of strata in the earth. Yet, the above articles show that the same data used for long ages can be used for short ages depending on the assumptions and presuppositions accepted.
The concept of a Worldwide Flood, with massive destruction of life and rapid deposition of multiple layers of sediment worldwide, in the recent past, can incorporate the observations of science. Do we reverence God enough to accept the clear presentation of His word the Bible? See Genesis 6-8 for a description of the Noah Flood event. As well, on this website under dissertations I review the Noah Flood Account as a True Narrative Representation (TNR).