Dr Randy J Guliuzza 1/31/19
A Review
He comments that the same data can often be put within different theories. Organism adjustment to a changed environment may not be random. There may be “preferential sorting.” But that “the preferential sorting of organisms with certain conditions is often predictable…that chance is an unlikely explanation for most sorting events.”
As an example he uses related fish with normal (seeing eyes) in a fresh water stream but a (non-seeing eyes) in caves. .” There is a turning off or on of eye genes during embryogenesis. He comments that “even those who promote evolution or intelligent design use some manifestation of volition to explain preferential sorting."
He and some others have promoted the concept of “immanent selection”. “Immanent refers to something inherently within-i.e., built in.’” It is a “type of internal selection”.
He then refers to engineers that when they develop a new product they attempt to anticipate new stressors to the product, and build in adaptive mechanisms. He goes onto use the Iguanas both ocean going and land dwelling as having the same genetic information, in many, regarding the electrolyte pumps for sodium and thus “the ability to modify the composition of the secreted fluid may give animals flexibility in the acclimating or adapting to changes in dietary salinity.”
He, and ICR, have called current studies using this model the “continuous environmental tracking (CET) model...Research shows that creatures not only have such elements, they do, in fact use them to track changing conditions.”
Please see link below to see several other articles on this subject This present article is not yet on the web (but it is in the Acts and Facts Magazine 1/2019.
Also, please note that this does not address the harmful effects observed during the mutational breakdown of the genome.