1. It explains where we, humans, and all life forms came from.
Answer: abiogenesis from innate particles of matter that formed, coalesced together with increasing complexity that eventually lead to life forms. It involves properties, not observed today, but inherent in the universe.
2. It gives a moral foundation for life.
Answer: survival of the fittest.
3. It gives an answer for the end of life.
Answer: An organism dies and then deteriorates. No afterlife.
It requires faith in unseen, non-observed processes that guide the universe. It assumes that the source of all physical matter will be found. It assumes that the self-organizing principles of matter occur and will be known, and that man by his own intellect can discover all that is to be known.
Sadly, they, evolutionists, are mis-lead in their religious zeal. To learn more on this topic go to the section on the interfacing of religion, philosophy and science. Also see online article.