In response on 4/8/19, Dr Andrew Snelling, a geologist at Answers in Genesis, has commented “the reported field observations are a stunning confirmation of what occurred at this level in the geologic record during the global Flood cataclysm , as described in Genesis 7-9. The Chicxulub impact was the result of one of many asteroids and meteorites impacting the earth’s surface and cratering it during the Flood…violent reshaping the earth’s surface…catastrophic erosion…earthquake-generated tsunamis…rapid deposition of sediments entombing creatures and plants…some of fish fossils are found obliquely aligned vertically through many of the enclosing laminated sediment layers…instant burial…the ‘event’ being rapidly deposited within minutes to an hour or so.” He then commented that there is evidence of greater catastrophic evidence found in the Lance Formation in Wyoming.”
Dr Gabriela Haynes, a paleontologist, commented “It is very interesting to see researchers finding and admitting the pieces of evidence of a global event that caused a mass extinction…All those data fit with what it is expected in a catastrophic event and confirms the biblical account of the global flood of Genesis.” She then commented that there are many other sites with similar deposits “around the world.” AIG article can be accessed at the first link button below.
JGL comment: As is typically the case when reviewing data regarding past events; it the data, can be placed into different scenarios based on one’s worldview. I support the views of Drs Snelling and Haynes. Please see my article online or look at the book section this website on Defending the Faith in the Last Days or article.on Religion, Science and Philosophy.