B- Jesus changes water into wine at marriage ceremony in Cana of Galilee. His mother requested that He refill the empty wine jugs. John 2:1-11
C- Nicodemus, a teacher of the Law, meets with Jesus at night. He learns that he, Nicodemus, must be "born again". John 3:1-18.
D- Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. He talks with her about the Living Water of God. She realizes that He is a Prophet of God. John 4:1-26.
E- Jesus does many miracles in Capernaeum: healing the sick, casting out demons etc. Matthew 8 entire chapter.
F- The lame man took up bed and began to walk. John 5:1-9
JGL Note: image is from Leonard Gaultier (1561-1641) Depiction of Christ's Miracles. Please note that I do not read Latin or French so the reading of the captions may be somewhat different that what I have indicated.