excerpts from article-link below:
"One of the most incredible claims of modern science is that continents move...With the advent of satellite technologies, scientists can now measure precise movements of land on both sides of the plate boundaries…The study of earth movements is technically known as “tectonics,”...amazing prediction of plate tectonics is the existence of the plate that drove into the western edge of North America, pushing up the Rocky Mountains and then disappearing under the continent...The continents are made up of many different rock types, but if we were to grind them all up, the average composition would be similar to granite. On the other hand, drilling into the ocean floors has revealed that the oceanic crust beneath the ooze is made up of basalt (dark volcanic rock)...Cooled oceanic crust is heavier than the hot mantle beneath it. So it tends to sink. The continental crust, in contrast, is much lighter (less dense), so it floats. As a result, the continents “ride” higher than the ocean crust. If they collide, the ocean crust would slide under the continental crust because it is heavier..."
"Genesis 7:11 says the Flood began with the breaking up of 'the fountains of the great deep.' This catastrophic bursting of hot waters and upwelling molten rock would have caused a massive rift in the seafloor ('the great deep')." See link below for more information.
(photos by jgl)